Dedication Prayer
Sö nam di yi tam je zig pa nyi / tob ne nye pe’i dra nam pam je ne / kye ga na ch’i ba long trug pa yi / sri pe’i tso le dro wa drol war shog
By the merit of this may we attain a state of omniscience and overcome all delusions. May I liberate all living beings from the samsaric ocean’s turbulent waves of birth, sickness, old age and death.
Theg chog dam chö rin chen nye pa di / dag gi so nam ta ye gang tob pa / de ne dro kun teg chog dam pe’i cho / rin chen dri ma me pe’i no gyur te
Whatever boundless merit I have acquired by listening to the unsurpassable Mahayana teachings, may all living beings become stainless vessels to receive the Mahayana doctrine.
Du kyi de dang mu teg zhung kun dang / choe tar cho pe’i mun trul du ma dang / zhen yang dro we’i nye war tse wa nam / dag gi tob kyi tse ne jom gyur jig
May mara’s troops, the doctrines of heretics, evil manifestations who fabricate the teachings, and whatever harms sentient beings be totally subdued by my power.
Si pa tam je du yang kor wa na / so nam ye she dag ni mi ze nye / thab dang she rab ting dzin tob dag dang / yon ten dyun gyi me ze dzo gyur jig
In all my lifetimes in the cycle of existence, may I amass inexhaustible merit and wisdom. May I become the everlasting treasure of skilful means, wisdom, concentration, liberation and all the spiritual qualities.
Jam pal pa’ wö ji tar kyen pa dang / kun tu zang po de yang de zhing te / de dag kun gyi je su da lob jing / ge wa di dag tam je rab tu ngo
Just like the courageous Manjushri and, likewise, Samantabhadra have omniscience, I also sincerely dedicate these merits in order to train myself to attain their state.
Du sum sheg pe’i gyal wa tam je kyi / ngo wa gang la chog tu ngag pa de / dag gi ge we’i tsa wa di kun kyang / zang po chö chir rab tu ngo war gyi
All the Victorious Ones of the three times have highly praised dedication. I too sincerely dedicate all the roots of my virtues in order to perform the noble deeds.
Jang chog kyong we’i kyob pa chog gyur pa / ke drub gya tsö yong su gang we’i ne / gang ri’i trö dir ten pa sal dze pa / sa kya pa yi ten pa gye gyur jig
The unsurpassable protectors and rulers of the north, where the ocean of scholars and siddhas reside, are the Sakyapas who illuminate the dharma in the Land of Snows. May the teachings of the Sakya lineage flourish.
Gang jen bö kyi te wa dor je den / pal den sa kye’i chö si gye gyur jig / trul pe’i dung gyu gyun che me pa dang / kun kyang trin le nam ka’ nyam par shog
The centre of the Land of Snows is the Diamond Seat (Sakya). May the temporal and spiritual ways of the glorious Sakyapas flourish. May the miraculous hereditary lineage be unbroken and may their enlightened activities pervade all space.
By the merit of this may we attain a state of omniscience and overcome all delusions. May I liberate all living beings from the samsaric ocean’s turbulent waves of birth, sickness, old age and death.
Theg chog dam chö rin chen nye pa di / dag gi so nam ta ye gang tob pa / de ne dro kun teg chog dam pe’i cho / rin chen dri ma me pe’i no gyur te
Whatever boundless merit I have acquired by listening to the unsurpassable Mahayana teachings, may all living beings become stainless vessels to receive the Mahayana doctrine.
Du kyi de dang mu teg zhung kun dang / choe tar cho pe’i mun trul du ma dang / zhen yang dro we’i nye war tse wa nam / dag gi tob kyi tse ne jom gyur jig
May mara’s troops, the doctrines of heretics, evil manifestations who fabricate the teachings, and whatever harms sentient beings be totally subdued by my power.
Si pa tam je du yang kor wa na / so nam ye she dag ni mi ze nye / thab dang she rab ting dzin tob dag dang / yon ten dyun gyi me ze dzo gyur jig
In all my lifetimes in the cycle of existence, may I amass inexhaustible merit and wisdom. May I become the everlasting treasure of skilful means, wisdom, concentration, liberation and all the spiritual qualities.
Jam pal pa’ wö ji tar kyen pa dang / kun tu zang po de yang de zhing te / de dag kun gyi je su da lob jing / ge wa di dag tam je rab tu ngo
Just like the courageous Manjushri and, likewise, Samantabhadra have omniscience, I also sincerely dedicate these merits in order to train myself to attain their state.
Du sum sheg pe’i gyal wa tam je kyi / ngo wa gang la chog tu ngag pa de / dag gi ge we’i tsa wa di kun kyang / zang po chö chir rab tu ngo war gyi
All the Victorious Ones of the three times have highly praised dedication. I too sincerely dedicate all the roots of my virtues in order to perform the noble deeds.
Jang chog kyong we’i kyob pa chog gyur pa / ke drub gya tsö yong su gang we’i ne / gang ri’i trö dir ten pa sal dze pa / sa kya pa yi ten pa gye gyur jig
The unsurpassable protectors and rulers of the north, where the ocean of scholars and siddhas reside, are the Sakyapas who illuminate the dharma in the Land of Snows. May the teachings of the Sakya lineage flourish.
Gang jen bö kyi te wa dor je den / pal den sa kye’i chö si gye gyur jig / trul pe’i dung gyu gyun che me pa dang / kun kyang trin le nam ka’ nyam par shog
The centre of the Land of Snows is the Diamond Seat (Sakya). May the temporal and spiritual ways of the glorious Sakyapas flourish. May the miraculous hereditary lineage be unbroken and may their enlightened activities pervade all space.