Long life prayers
In gratitude to our teachers and gurus, we wish them long lives so they may continue to turn the wheel of Dharma and so that all beings will benefit from their teachings and blessings. As Khenpo recently said, if the gurus live for even one day longer, they can benefit so many sentient beings.
It is very important to frequently recite long life prayers dedicated to these masters to support them to fulfil their aims, and to strengthen our own connection with them.
Read the long life prayers:
His Holiness the 41st Sakya Trizin Kyabgon Gongma Trichen Rinpoche’s Long Life Prayer
His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin Kyabgon Gongma Trizin Rinpoche’s Long Life Prayer
Khenpo Ngawang Dhamchoe’s Long Life Prayer
It is very important to frequently recite long life prayers dedicated to these masters to support them to fulfil their aims, and to strengthen our own connection with them.
Read the long life prayers:
His Holiness the 41st Sakya Trizin Kyabgon Gongma Trichen Rinpoche’s Long Life Prayer
His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin Kyabgon Gongma Trizin Rinpoche’s Long Life Prayer
Khenpo Ngawang Dhamchoe’s Long Life Prayer
His Holiness the 41st Sakya Trizin Kybabgon Gongma Trichen Rinpoche's Long Life Prayer
Pal den tsa we’i la ma rin po che / dag gi chi wor pe me’i den zhug nay / ka drin chen po’i go ne je zung te / ku sung tug kyi ngö drub tsal du söl
Glorious great Root Teacher, precious one, sits upon a lotus on my head. Having graced us through your kindness great, bless my body voice and mind, I pray!
Chi me mi shig srung wa’i gur kang ne / chi me tse jin lha mo chen dun ma / chi me tse la wang we’i tsog nam kyi / chi me tse yi ngö drub tsal du söl
In immortal life’s protective wheel, seven-eyed one granting deathlessness, great assemblage granting deathlessness, grant attainment of immortal life!
Rig sum pe me’i tug kye lha lam ne / kyen tse nu tu’i rang zug nyin mor je / sa ten lung tog pe tsal gye dze ne / dul ja ling zhi’i gön du tag ten shog
Path divine of Padmasambhava, wisdom, love and power’s radiant form, Sakya’s blooms of insights and of words, master of the four worlds, please live long!
Ngag wang gyu trul lha rig kön gyi dung / dro kun ga’ dze teg chen do ngag lam / pen de’i pal du bar we’i trin le jen / sam pel wang gi gyal po zhab ten söl
Ngawang Kunga, line of Khön divine, giving joy and benefit to all, owner of the great and secret path, wish-fulfilling great king, please live long!
Nam dag trim den ser gyi sa zhi la / tö sam gom pe’i rin chen dul mang tseg / che tsö tsom dang je ten wang rim gye / kyab chog ri wang lhun por ten zhug söl
Meditating, thinking, listening, placed upon a moral golden base. Teach, debate, compose the Dharma’s words, royal sublime refuge, firm remain!
Gyal wa nyi pa je tsun gong ma nge / gyal ten jig du nen gyu tse ma zhi / gyal we’i lam zang zab mo lob she nam / gyal wa ji zhin tön dze zhab ten söl
Second Buddha, teacher of Lamdre, valid path of Buddha taught through speech, teachings of the Sakya Founders, Five – You who teach like Buddha, firm remain!
Pun tsog gyal sri dun gyi tra shi pal / pal den sa kya’i chö sri pal bar ne / ne chog dzam ling dze pe’i gyen du jön / jön zhin sang sum dor je tar ten shog
Having come, you beautify this world, holding Sakya’s power temporal, radiating Sakya’s Dharma works, vajra-like three secrets, long remain!
Lu me la ma chog sum tug je dang / yi dam ten srung gya tso’i tu tob dang / chö nyi zab mo gyur me den pe’i tu / ji tar söl we’i dö dön drub gyur jig
Triple Gem and Teacher, kind and true, Yidam, and Protectors, full of might, profound and unchanging sublime truth, by these powers, our hopes will be fulfilled!
This prayer was written and offered by Venerable Ngawang Lodro Rinchen, abbot of Nalendra monastery in Phenpo, Tibet.
Glorious great Root Teacher, precious one, sits upon a lotus on my head. Having graced us through your kindness great, bless my body voice and mind, I pray!
Chi me mi shig srung wa’i gur kang ne / chi me tse jin lha mo chen dun ma / chi me tse la wang we’i tsog nam kyi / chi me tse yi ngö drub tsal du söl
In immortal life’s protective wheel, seven-eyed one granting deathlessness, great assemblage granting deathlessness, grant attainment of immortal life!
Rig sum pe me’i tug kye lha lam ne / kyen tse nu tu’i rang zug nyin mor je / sa ten lung tog pe tsal gye dze ne / dul ja ling zhi’i gön du tag ten shog
Path divine of Padmasambhava, wisdom, love and power’s radiant form, Sakya’s blooms of insights and of words, master of the four worlds, please live long!
Ngag wang gyu trul lha rig kön gyi dung / dro kun ga’ dze teg chen do ngag lam / pen de’i pal du bar we’i trin le jen / sam pel wang gi gyal po zhab ten söl
Ngawang Kunga, line of Khön divine, giving joy and benefit to all, owner of the great and secret path, wish-fulfilling great king, please live long!
Nam dag trim den ser gyi sa zhi la / tö sam gom pe’i rin chen dul mang tseg / che tsö tsom dang je ten wang rim gye / kyab chog ri wang lhun por ten zhug söl
Meditating, thinking, listening, placed upon a moral golden base. Teach, debate, compose the Dharma’s words, royal sublime refuge, firm remain!
Gyal wa nyi pa je tsun gong ma nge / gyal ten jig du nen gyu tse ma zhi / gyal we’i lam zang zab mo lob she nam / gyal wa ji zhin tön dze zhab ten söl
Second Buddha, teacher of Lamdre, valid path of Buddha taught through speech, teachings of the Sakya Founders, Five – You who teach like Buddha, firm remain!
Pun tsog gyal sri dun gyi tra shi pal / pal den sa kya’i chö sri pal bar ne / ne chog dzam ling dze pe’i gyen du jön / jön zhin sang sum dor je tar ten shog
Having come, you beautify this world, holding Sakya’s power temporal, radiating Sakya’s Dharma works, vajra-like three secrets, long remain!
Lu me la ma chog sum tug je dang / yi dam ten srung gya tso’i tu tob dang / chö nyi zab mo gyur me den pe’i tu / ji tar söl we’i dö dön drub gyur jig
Triple Gem and Teacher, kind and true, Yidam, and Protectors, full of might, profound and unchanging sublime truth, by these powers, our hopes will be fulfilled!
This prayer was written and offered by Venerable Ngawang Lodro Rinchen, abbot of Nalendra monastery in Phenpo, Tibet.
His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin Kyabgon Gongma Trizin Rinpoche's Long Life Prayer
His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin Kyabgon Gongma Trizin Rinpoche's Long Life Prayer
Pun tsog tse yi zi jin pag me gön / pun tsog tse jin Iha mo nam gyal ma / pun tsog Iha dang grub pa rig dzin gyi / pun tsog tag pa dam pe'i ngö drub tsöl
To the immeasurably majestic Master of sublime life, to Usnisavijayä, the exalted lifegiving Goddess, to the illustrious gods and knowledge-holders, please bestow the attachment of sacred immortality.
Nga wang wang ju den peti sar wang gyur / ke kun kun ga'i 10 dro kun gyi je / sri zhi'i nam dren dren chog dren peti tso/ wang gyal gyal we'i wang chug zhab ten sol
Lord of voice, sovereign master of the enlightened stage endowed with the ten powers, Master of the intelligent ones who delights scholars, the principal leader amongst all the excellent guides of samsara and nirvana, may you, royal master, long remain.
Chog du gyal we'i sang sum rin chen dzö / jig dum jig me dor je'i ö nön gye / trin le nang we sa sum kun kyab chir / jam gön ten pe'i nyi ma zhab ten sol
The jewel treasure of the three secrets who fills all times and directions through spreading the light of the fearless vajra. In order to protect the three realms by your pure activities, may you, master Manjushri, long remain.
Tha le she jar ma tog kyen peti trul / je tsun jam pal yang dang gön po kye / chog men kal we nang dang nang min le / yer me ma we'i seng ge zhab ten söl
Though to the eyes of the fortunate and unfortunate you are seen as different, you are in fact none other than the holy master Manjushri, who undeluded knows all fathomless knowable things. May you, lion of speech, long remain.
Lab sum dri me kyen pe'i cha she dzog / dro we'i kyab gön tug je'i sil zer jen / dam pe'i tsul gu'i nu tob du tsi'i ter / tub ten wang chug tsug tu zhab ten söl
Having completely understood the three stainless trainings, you radiate the soothing rays of compassion to protect living beings, the treasure of nectar-like powers of the nine characteristics of holiness. May you, the prosperous Crown of Buddha's teaching, long remain.
Jam gön drub rig ser gyi tri zhing tser / trö zhi'i lam gyi ku zhi'i gyal tab la / wang gyur nor bu'i me tog kor loti gön / gyu de gya tsö'i dag nyi zhab ten söl
At the pinnacle of the golden vine-like lineage of the Protector Manjushri rests the allpowerful, jewelled flower, Master of all mandalas, who possesses the royal methods of the four bodies that accomplishes the path of the four ways. May you, Master of the ocean of tantras, long remain.
Chö sri dze trin ser gyi kor gyur la / nga' ö rin chen dun gyi ka 10 gyur / la ma dor je srung me'i drog dön gyi / ta shi ge tsen yun du bar gyur jig
Through your turning of the golden wheel of spiritual and temporal activities, the wheel of the seven jewels flourishes, by the support of the teachers and vajra guardians, may the signs of virtue and auspiciousness long blaze forth.
Pun tsog tse yi zi jin pag me gön / pun tsog tse jin Iha mo nam gyal ma / pun tsog Iha dang grub pa rig dzin gyi / pun tsog tag pa dam pe'i ngö drub tsöl
To the immeasurably majestic Master of sublime life, to Usnisavijayä, the exalted lifegiving Goddess, to the illustrious gods and knowledge-holders, please bestow the attachment of sacred immortality.
Nga wang wang ju den peti sar wang gyur / ke kun kun ga'i 10 dro kun gyi je / sri zhi'i nam dren dren chog dren peti tso/ wang gyal gyal we'i wang chug zhab ten sol
Lord of voice, sovereign master of the enlightened stage endowed with the ten powers, Master of the intelligent ones who delights scholars, the principal leader amongst all the excellent guides of samsara and nirvana, may you, royal master, long remain.
Chog du gyal we'i sang sum rin chen dzö / jig dum jig me dor je'i ö nön gye / trin le nang we sa sum kun kyab chir / jam gön ten pe'i nyi ma zhab ten sol
The jewel treasure of the three secrets who fills all times and directions through spreading the light of the fearless vajra. In order to protect the three realms by your pure activities, may you, master Manjushri, long remain.
Tha le she jar ma tog kyen peti trul / je tsun jam pal yang dang gön po kye / chog men kal we nang dang nang min le / yer me ma we'i seng ge zhab ten söl
Though to the eyes of the fortunate and unfortunate you are seen as different, you are in fact none other than the holy master Manjushri, who undeluded knows all fathomless knowable things. May you, lion of speech, long remain.
Lab sum dri me kyen pe'i cha she dzog / dro we'i kyab gön tug je'i sil zer jen / dam pe'i tsul gu'i nu tob du tsi'i ter / tub ten wang chug tsug tu zhab ten söl
Having completely understood the three stainless trainings, you radiate the soothing rays of compassion to protect living beings, the treasure of nectar-like powers of the nine characteristics of holiness. May you, the prosperous Crown of Buddha's teaching, long remain.
Jam gön drub rig ser gyi tri zhing tser / trö zhi'i lam gyi ku zhi'i gyal tab la / wang gyur nor bu'i me tog kor loti gön / gyu de gya tsö'i dag nyi zhab ten söl
At the pinnacle of the golden vine-like lineage of the Protector Manjushri rests the allpowerful, jewelled flower, Master of all mandalas, who possesses the royal methods of the four bodies that accomplishes the path of the four ways. May you, Master of the ocean of tantras, long remain.
Chö sri dze trin ser gyi kor gyur la / nga' ö rin chen dun gyi ka 10 gyur / la ma dor je srung me'i drog dön gyi / ta shi ge tsen yun du bar gyur jig
Through your turning of the golden wheel of spiritual and temporal activities, the wheel of the seven jewels flourishes, by the support of the teachers and vajra guardians, may the signs of virtue and auspiciousness long blaze forth.
Khenpo Ngawang Dhamchoe's Long Life Prayer
To the Lady Ushnisha-Vijaya
Invoking the Nectar of Longevity
Chi mey zhing gi gon po tse ta yay / Nam par gyal ma yi zhin khor lo dang / Chi mey tse lha gya tso tsog che kyi / Pag yay tse yi chu len deng dir sol
From the realm of Lord of deathlessness / Ushnisha-Vijaya wish fulfilling wheel / Heat of assemblage granting deathlessness / Today rain down nectar of long life.
Nga wang zhon nu kyen rab nyin mor je / Dam pey kun cho o zhag num po yi / Kal zang mo ‘i cho dab yong che ne / Thub ten dze gyan shi su ten par mon
Vigorous Ngawang’s knowledge light the day / Through the mist of lucid (dam) moral deeds / Open many petals of Dharma (choe) / Bounteous flower garland long remain.
Tsa sum gyal wa gya tso‘i jin tu dang / Gyu dre lu wa mey pey den tob kyi / Yi la mon pey doe don ma lu pa / Gek mey yi zhin drub pey ta shi shog
By the blessings of the Trinities / By the force of cosmic golden rule / By the union of the truth and like / May your wishes ripen unobstructed.
Footnote from His Holiness Sakya Trizin:
On the face of the request from faithful devotees, I, Sakya Trizin Kunga, composed this prayer at the celestial palace of TARA (dolma phodrang). May this be beneficial and meaningful. His Eminence 6th Zimwock Tulku Rinpoche has very generously translated this prayer into English.
Invoking the Nectar of Longevity
Chi mey zhing gi gon po tse ta yay / Nam par gyal ma yi zhin khor lo dang / Chi mey tse lha gya tso tsog che kyi / Pag yay tse yi chu len deng dir sol
From the realm of Lord of deathlessness / Ushnisha-Vijaya wish fulfilling wheel / Heat of assemblage granting deathlessness / Today rain down nectar of long life.
Nga wang zhon nu kyen rab nyin mor je / Dam pey kun cho o zhag num po yi / Kal zang mo ‘i cho dab yong che ne / Thub ten dze gyan shi su ten par mon
Vigorous Ngawang’s knowledge light the day / Through the mist of lucid (dam) moral deeds / Open many petals of Dharma (choe) / Bounteous flower garland long remain.
Tsa sum gyal wa gya tso‘i jin tu dang / Gyu dre lu wa mey pey den tob kyi / Yi la mon pey doe don ma lu pa / Gek mey yi zhin drub pey ta shi shog
By the blessings of the Trinities / By the force of cosmic golden rule / By the union of the truth and like / May your wishes ripen unobstructed.
Footnote from His Holiness Sakya Trizin:
On the face of the request from faithful devotees, I, Sakya Trizin Kunga, composed this prayer at the celestial palace of TARA (dolma phodrang). May this be beneficial and meaningful. His Eminence 6th Zimwock Tulku Rinpoche has very generously translated this prayer into English.