Prayer to Manjushri - the Buddha of Wisdom
Chom den day gön po jam pa'i yang la chag tsal lo // gang gi lö dro drip nyi trin dral / nyi tar nam dak rab sal wa'i // ji nyi dön kun ji zhin zig chir / nyi kyi thug kar lek bam dzin
I prostrate to the benefactor, the Buddha Manjushri, whose intellect, like the sun in a cloudless sky, frees from the two obscurations. Holding a text at his heart level, as a sign of his realisation of the nature of all phenomena.
Kang dag si pa'i tshon rar ma rig / mun thun dug ngal kyi zer wa'i // dro tshog kun la bu chig tar tsey / yen lag drug chu'i yang den sung // drug dang cher drog nyon mong nyi long / lay kyi chag drog drol dzay kyi // ma rig mun sel dug ngal myu ku / ji nyid chö dzay ral dri nam
Teaching in the sixty melodious tones, he loves all beings trapped in this samsaric prison and afflicted with suffering, as if each were his only child. Resounding like the thunderclap, which awakens one from ignorance and breaks asunder the chains of karma, he holds aloft the sword which severs the shoots of suffering and clears the darkness of ignorance.
Död nay dag chin sa chu'i thar soen / yon ten lu dzog gyal say thu wo'i ku // chu trag chu dang chu nyi gyan tray / dag lo'i mun sel jam pa'i yang la dud
Inherently pure, having attained the ten bhumis, possessed of perfect knowledge, the great Bodhisattva, displaying the one hundred and twelve ornaments, bow down to Manjushri, who illuminates one's intellectual ignorance.
The most excellent praise, may unblemished understanding swiftly mature.
Tsay den khye kyi khyin rab öd zer gyi / dag lo'i ti mug mun pa rab sel nay // ka dang ten chö zhung lug tok pa yi / lö dro pob pa'i nang wa tsal du sol
Through your loving-kindness, the radiance of your supreme knowledge, completely cleanse the darkness of my deluded mind and grant me the wisdom of clarity to realise the Buddha's original teachings (sutras) and their commentaries (shastras).
Gang tse ta war död pa am / Chung zay dri war död na yang / gön po jam yang khye nyi ni / gek may pa yang thong war shog
Whenever I wish to realise something clearly or need to make enquiry as to its nature, may the Protector, the Guru Manjushri, appear without any obstacles.
Sem chem nam kyi sam pa dang / lo yi che drag ji tar wa / che Chung thun mong thig pa yi / chö kyi khor lo kor du sol
According to the particular needs, predispositions and levels of sentient beings' minds, may the Wheel of the Mahayana, Hinayana and general vehicles of the Dharma be turned.
This stotra in praise of Manjughosha was translated into English by Khenpo Ngawang Dhamchö and Douglas Mills in Sydney during 1995.
I prostrate to the benefactor, the Buddha Manjushri, whose intellect, like the sun in a cloudless sky, frees from the two obscurations. Holding a text at his heart level, as a sign of his realisation of the nature of all phenomena.
Kang dag si pa'i tshon rar ma rig / mun thun dug ngal kyi zer wa'i // dro tshog kun la bu chig tar tsey / yen lag drug chu'i yang den sung // drug dang cher drog nyon mong nyi long / lay kyi chag drog drol dzay kyi // ma rig mun sel dug ngal myu ku / ji nyid chö dzay ral dri nam
Teaching in the sixty melodious tones, he loves all beings trapped in this samsaric prison and afflicted with suffering, as if each were his only child. Resounding like the thunderclap, which awakens one from ignorance and breaks asunder the chains of karma, he holds aloft the sword which severs the shoots of suffering and clears the darkness of ignorance.
Död nay dag chin sa chu'i thar soen / yon ten lu dzog gyal say thu wo'i ku // chu trag chu dang chu nyi gyan tray / dag lo'i mun sel jam pa'i yang la dud
Inherently pure, having attained the ten bhumis, possessed of perfect knowledge, the great Bodhisattva, displaying the one hundred and twelve ornaments, bow down to Manjushri, who illuminates one's intellectual ignorance.
The most excellent praise, may unblemished understanding swiftly mature.
Tsay den khye kyi khyin rab öd zer gyi / dag lo'i ti mug mun pa rab sel nay // ka dang ten chö zhung lug tok pa yi / lö dro pob pa'i nang wa tsal du sol
Through your loving-kindness, the radiance of your supreme knowledge, completely cleanse the darkness of my deluded mind and grant me the wisdom of clarity to realise the Buddha's original teachings (sutras) and their commentaries (shastras).
Gang tse ta war död pa am / Chung zay dri war död na yang / gön po jam yang khye nyi ni / gek may pa yang thong war shog
Whenever I wish to realise something clearly or need to make enquiry as to its nature, may the Protector, the Guru Manjushri, appear without any obstacles.
Sem chem nam kyi sam pa dang / lo yi che drag ji tar wa / che Chung thun mong thig pa yi / chö kyi khor lo kor du sol
According to the particular needs, predispositions and levels of sentient beings' minds, may the Wheel of the Mahayana, Hinayana and general vehicles of the Dharma be turned.
This stotra in praise of Manjughosha was translated into English by Khenpo Ngawang Dhamchö and Douglas Mills in Sydney during 1995.