Working Bee February 2016
Our first working bee (Karma Yoga) was held in February the day after the Open Day. Many thanks to all the helpers who weeded, dug gardens, cut new tracks and generally provided a lot of muscle and sweat to get Kamalashila looking great. While we didn't get everything done (Rome wasn't built in a day), a great start was made.
It always provides a deep sense of satisfaction when we can give to a project that will provide so much to so many over the years to come. It is only through the generosity of those who provide their time and labour that the benefits will be reaped over time.
It always provides a deep sense of satisfaction when we can give to a project that will provide so much to so many over the years to come. It is only through the generosity of those who provide their time and labour that the benefits will be reaped over time.