Good afternoon everyone, I thank you all so much for attending this AGM, which is the legal aspect of an organisation.
We’ve been here at Kamalashila Tibetan Buddhist Centre (KTBC) Tilba, for just over three years, within these three years it has been quite successful – the move here and our dharma activities, yet still I have a vision, not so much about construction aspects, more for the benefit to anyone who has interest in the Buddhadharma. Quite often when people have heard about this new centre, with myself moving down south, they always seem to ask, not necessarily how do people learn about Buddhism, or how will people succeed in their meditation, or how much are people changing from difficulty to comfortable, rather they always seem to ask how many members have you got, how many buildings are finished… So, I am not here to collect members, to increase numbers, I’m not here to build more houses, that’s not my reason. The primary reason is to have the right place for people to come ad settle their mind, to find peace and then most importantly is wisdom. So once people benefit in such a place, then naturally they just come. This is my wish, that people see this place as a benefit, this place can offer them value within their own life, and in this way more members come. My philosophy being quality is more important than quantity. The numbers are not a big issue for me. In this way, the last three years, people who have come to KTBC, have been involved, are really quite genuine, trying their best, because us as humans – none of us are perfect, we all have our own difficulties, our own issues but everyone recognises this and this being the reason they come here is to change, to progress. I can see from little to big, changes in their lives, this is really great success within a Buddhist centre, not in terms of increased numbers, I do not call this a successful centre or the increasing building sites. I don’t call this a successful organisation. My view of successful is when people come to the centre and benefit, changing their life from negative to positive, unkind to kind, restless to restful. If these things happen then I call this a successful place. I can see this really happening, we’re running lots of different programs, such as The Complete Path twice a year, during that time people come here leaving full of joy, full of wisdom, then share whatever they learn and experience back to their own community, so this is great success. Then some other times we run different annual retreats, then people come, some older students, some very new. Which you can see when they first come into retreat, they are a bit nervous, unsure and a bit lost. Then by the end everyone is smiling, their faces are friendlier, their heart is a bit more open. All these aspects are the main purpose of the dharma centre here. In this way I’d like to express there has been great success at this centre over the last three years. This success doesn’t happen without the organisation, by the law. We have such a wonderful committee, as many of our committee members have been doing it for decades now, not new yet a very long time, so really they have the heart and mind to help, not to me for I always say I can survive myself, but helping the community. When you help from your heart, this is most joyful, because giving is the cause of joy. This is a place where we’re creating joy and contribute wherever we can for the community. In this way I would like to say thank you to all the committee, for they tirelessly work hard and do their best. I also would like to say thank you to all the volunteers, because unconditionally people help in so many ways as in lawn mowing, gardening, collecting all the leaves, there are infinite jobs on this property, impossible to say everyone’s name, there are so many people contributing. I would like to say thank you to every one of them. Thank you to all the members and friends who monthly and yearly contribute financially to run this centre, thank you so much to all the generosity shared of the members and friends. In this way from my heart, I equally say to everyone thank you so very much. That’s all… Khenpo Ngawang Dhamchoe Comments are closed.
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